PR Resolution podcast

The straight-talking Public Relations podcast that gives you the information you need to find your own PR direction.

About the show

Stella Bayles, author, speaker and director of PR technologies 'CoverageBook' & 'AnswerThePublic', hosts this direct and straight-talking podcast on PR, marketing and communications.

In each episode, Stella explores an emerging topic in Public Relations and with the help of an expert dispels any myths and breaks down the jargon.

Summarised in plain language, this PR podcast is informative, often amusing and always under and hour, so you can be clued up before your next Zoom call.

PR Resolution podcast on social media


  • Multi-channel marketing part 2: Measuring paid, earned, shared & owned

    October 25th, 2018  |  25 mins 7 secs
    gini dietrich, measure pr, measurement, peso, pr, pr measurement, public relations

    In this episode Stella interviews Gini Dietrich, founder and CEO of Arment Dietrich comms & editor of Spin Sucks on the paid, earned, shared & owned (PESO) model. Gini shares what the model is, how it can help achieve business goals and why Public Relations should be leading it.

    Gini also shares her thoughts on episode four of the Resolution podcast on how Diageo is using PESO in their PR measurement process.

  • Multi-channel marketing part 1: How Diageo measures PESO

    October 2nd, 2018  |  51 mins 46 secs
    diageo, james alexander, measure pr, measurement, pr, pr measurement, public relations

    James Alexander is the the head of influence and advocacy at global drinks business Diageo. Stella and James discuss the multi-channel marketing campaigns Diageo runs, how they use the PESO (paid, earned, shared and owned) model to organise and how they measure and compare results.

  • PR Measurement with AMEC

    August 28th, 2018  |  28 mins 59 secs
    amec, measure pr, measurement, pr, pr measurement, public relations

    Nicole Moreo is North American chair of AMEC and one of Ketchum's global research and analytics leaders. Stella interviews her on PR analysis in 2018 & what PR teams can do to improve measurement skills.

  • Inbound PR

    August 6th, 2018  |  28 mins 4 secs
    content marketing, content pr, iliyana stareva, inbound, inbound pr, pr, public relations, software pr, stella bayles

    Stella interviews HubSpot's Global Partner Program Manager, Iliyana Stareva on the new content-led PR approach 'Inbound'.

    Coming from a traditional Public Relations background and now working in software, Iliyana has put her years of experience into new marketing book 'Inbound'.

    In this episode, Stella finds out about Iliyana's journey, why 'Inbound' can be so powerful in PR, how we talk to clients about it and measure success.

  • AI in PR

    August 6th, 2018  |  40 mins 46 secs
    ai, ai pr, artificial intelligence, pr, public relations

    Stella interviews technology expert Adam Hirsch on artificial intelligence and how it's affecting Public Relations. Together they cover how PR teams should be talking to clients and stakeholders about AI, the difference between automation, technology and AI and how Public Relations needs to develop the use of AI in workflow and output.

  • Who is Stella & why listen?

    August 6th, 2018  |  6 mins 54 secs
    pr, public relations

    Host Stella Bayles, introduces the PR Resolution podcast. Stella shares her story and covers why she believes the Public Relations industry needs a straight-talking, plain language knowledge source right now.

    Episode zero covers what listeners can expect from the series and topics they can learn about from expert guests on the show.