PR Resolution podcast

The straight-talking Public Relations podcast that gives you the information you need to find your own PR direction.

About the show

Stella Bayles, author, speaker and director of PR technologies 'CoverageBook' & 'AnswerThePublic', hosts this direct and straight-talking podcast on PR, marketing and communications.

In each episode, Stella explores an emerging topic in Public Relations and with the help of an expert dispels any myths and breaks down the jargon.

Summarised in plain language, this PR podcast is informative, often amusing and always under and hour, so you can be clued up before your next Zoom call.

PR Resolution podcast on social media


  • Share of voice or share of search?

    October 6th, 2020  |  57 mins 57 secs
    analytics, attribution, marketing measurement, pr measurement, pr metrics, russell mcathy, stella bayles

    'Share of voice' is a term used to describe how a brand is being talked about against it’s competitors.

    At the end September 2020, Mark Ritson wrote an article for Marketing Week, which pitched why 'share of search' could be a better alternative measure of how popular a brand is among consumers.

    In this episode I interview marketing attribution expert, Russell McAthy, founder of Ringside to help us learn more.

    We explore:

    • What 'share of search' is
    • How it considers consumer view over the brand marketing teams!
    • How all of the marketing activity affects it
    • How PR teams can explore it
  • storytelling with data

    July 16th, 2020  |  56 mins 48 secs
    amec, cole nussbaumer knaflic, data, data visualisation, measurement month, pr analytics, pr measurement, pr metrics, stella bayles, storytelling

    Public Relations professionals excel in storytelling. PR has also been known not to use data as well as other areas of marketing. So when I came across the wisdom of Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic, the founder & CEO of storytelling with data, I had to interview her on the PR Resolution Podcast.

    Cole is the author of the best-selling book, ‘storytelling with data: a data visualization guide for business professionals’ and, through her courses has helped thousands of people around the world tell better stories with their data, but what does she think about PR data?

  • How to sell in to news desks during a pandemic

    April 30th, 2020  |  45 mins 19 secs
    digital pr, media relations, news, public relations

    The PR industry has had to adapt to a huge change recently. Not only have many comms strategies had to change, we've never had a news agenda like this.

    In this episode I'm joined by news experts from 72Point, part of SWNS Media Group which is an independent press agency working directly with major news-desks in the United States and the UK.

    I interview Daniel Johnson-Kim and Rick Maughan, Heads of Editorial and Media Liaison at 72Point Inc, New York, to discuss the changes at the major news-desks and how to sensitively navigate them.

  • Why FMCG PR needs to be amazon-ready

    April 24th, 2020  |  37 mins 57 secs
    digital marketing, digital pr, jim hawker, marketing, online marketing, paid media, pr, pr tips, public relations, stella bayles, threepipe

    An interview with Jim Hawker, co-founder of Threepipe, on why helping their clients become more visible on Amazon has helped grow their agency.

  • How PR should work with paid media

    February 27th, 2020  |  38 mins 11 secs
    digital marketing, digital pr, marketing, online marketing, paid media, pr, pr tips, public relations, shanna apitz, stella bayles

    It's 2020, integrated marketing is the norm, but could we be delivering better campaigns if we understood paid media better?

    In this episode I interview Shanna Apitz, the Executive Creative Director and head of innovation at Hunt Adkins, a paid media specialist agency in Minnesota.

    Having developed her career in the paid media space, Shanna has helped hundreds of US brands grow their business through interactive and integrated campaigns.

    I wanted to find out how a leading paid agency approach earned media, where Shanna thinks paid and PR fit in the marketing mix, how the two specialisms should work together, and how powerful an integrated campaign can be for a business.

  • A simple guide to attribution with russell mcathy

    January 22nd, 2020  |  44 mins 45 secs
    analytics, attribution, marketing measurement, pr measurement, pr metrics, russell mcathy, stella bayles

    In this episode, I step out of Public Relations and interview an expert in marketing measurement; Russell McAthy.

    Russell has been helping businesses attribute success (often revenue) to various lines of marketing for years. Without his insight into customer behavior, millions in marketing budgets are likely to have been misspent.

    The term 'attribution' has come up a lot recently in PR recently so, I wanted to get back to basics. Russell and I cover what 'attribution' means, how PR fits into overall marketing evaluation and how you can talk about it to your stakeholders.

    Get ready to learn.

  • Should you be affiliate marketing in 2020?

    December 31st, 2019  |  45 mins 21 secs
    affiliate marketing, affiliates, digital marketing, digital pr, marketing, online marketing, pr, pr tips, public relations, revenue share, rich leigh, stella bayles, will roberts

    In this episode, I interview Rich Leigh and Will Roberts, who leads Radioactive Talent, a new arm of UK PR agency Radioactive. I find out how they're bringing years of influencer and publisher knowledge from PR and merging it with Will’s expertise in affiliates and revenue share deals to start a new comms offering for clients in 2020.

    If you haven't heard of affiliates before, don't worry. The guys explain exactly how the process works for agencies, brands and influencers.

    If you're looking for inspiration for next year's growth, look no further.

  • PR measurement: Sentiment analysis explained

    November 27th, 2019  |  37 mins 20 secs
    amec, pr analytics, pr measurement, pr metrics, social media measurement

    In this special ‘measurement month’ episode I’m joined by AMEC members and analysis experts, Steph Bridgeman, head of Experienced Media Analysts and Maya Koleva, head of Insight at Commetric to share their knowledge.

    We cover how to manually track sentiment, how machine learning is helping the process, how to tackle international campaigns and steps you can take in your own evaluation. This really is relevant to everyone in PR.

  • An award-winning campaign: Tinder for cows

    September 10th, 2019  |  38 mins 34 secs
    app pr, digital marketing, pr, pr measurement, public relations

    In many cases, Public Relations objectives are often set by a marketing team with little involvement from the CEO. So what happens when a PR agency not only has access to the CEO but they come up with a PR campaign together?

    You get, Tinder for Cows!

    In this episode, I interview Doug Bairner, the CEO of Hectare, an agriculture technology business along with his PR agency lead, Jon Lonsdale at Octopus Group to find out how their working relationship formed an international campaign.

  • How much influence is left on Insta?

    July 26th, 2019  |  32 mins 41 secs
    influencers, instagram, public relations, scott guthrie, social media marketing

    'Instagram influencer' is no longer just a marketing term. Parents fear them, young people want to be them and the press seem to loathe them. But with so much attention how much influence do they still hold?

    In this episode I get two opinions. Scott Guthrie, an influencer marketing consultant share his views on the industry. Lucy Piper, a 19 year old PR consultant from TalkerTailorTroubleMaker also shares her and her friends experiences of following influencers throughout their teenage years and now working with them in PR.

  • How to make your news story last longer

    July 11th, 2019  |  35 mins 56 secs
    digital pr, jerrid grimm, media relations, news, paid media, peso, public relations, stella bayles

    With the more content being generated than ever before our hard-earned editorial coverage is being buried on publisher sites faster than you can say 'public relations'! But what if there was a way to keep it in front of people for longer?

    In this episode, I interview Jerrid Grimm, co-founder of Pressboard on an emerging area of marketing where PR meets paid and editorial stories can be boosted to a bigger audience.

  • should you be meme marketing?

    June 5th, 2019  |  24 mins 58 secs
    content marketing, elliott kurjan, instagram influencer, instagram marketing, marketing, meme, meme marketing, public relations, ricky williams, social, social media marketing, wagyu social

    The start of Love Island, Trump visiting & the shock loss for Antony Joshua this week has seen the meme machines in action on social media this week. But should memes be part of brand marketing?

    In this episode, I interview Elliott Kurjan & Ricky Williams, the duo behind a new agency Wagyu social.

    Ricky & Elliott are experts in Instagram influence. They are the brains behind the growth of huge Instagram accounts including Ladbible and UniLad. Elliott is also the meme-king that runs Instagram profile 'Awful Banter'. They know what creates the thumb-stopper moment!

    Now working with brands, Elliott and Ricky explain what 'meme marketing' is, how to do it and the huge reach and engagement a brand can expect from this form of communication.

  • Can PR make TV?

    May 24th, 2019  |  38 mins 25 secs
    danny bell, digital marketing, digital pr, marketing, online marketing, pr, pr tips, public relations, social marketing, stella bayles, tv production, video content

    Stella interviews Danny Bell, a video director, and producer in the UK and US. He's produced popular shows such as Big Brother and LOVEIsland and had work featured on major TV channels including MTV, C4, ITV, Sky, and NBC. Danny is increasingly working with agencies and brand teams on creating editorial video content for online and social platforms.

    In this episode, Stella interviews Danny on the development of TV and online video consumption, the change in brand involvement and how audience engagement is leading the change.

  • Social media measurement with Katie Paine (queen of metrics)

    March 8th, 2019  |  20 mins 44 secs
    katie paine, marketing, pr, pr measurement, pr metrics, pr tips, public relations, social media, stella bayles

    Stella interviews Katie Paine (aka queen of metrics) on social media measurement. They discuss what metrics we should be using and how to attribute business success.

  • The news industry in 2019 & how it affects PR

    January 31st, 2019  |  33 mins 45 secs
    daily news, huffington post, journalists, media relations, news, news editor, pr, public relations

    Interview with SWNS Media Group news editor Jim Rich on his career and experiences in the US news industry.

    The former New York Daily News Editor-in-Chief has seen the news industry go through huge changes and he is now using his unique experience to help PR teams.

    Jim talks about the way news consumption has changed publishing, its effect on news teams and the knock-on effect on Public Relations.

  • Creating an award winning PR agency with Steve Strickland

    December 11th, 2018  |  37 mins 54 secs
    marketing, pr, pr agency, pr awards, pr campaigns, pr tips, public relations, stella bayles, steve strickland

    Steve Strickland is the co-founder of new award-winning PR agency Talker Tailor Trouble Maker.

    In this episode, Steve shares how he and his and co-founder Gary’s experiences in the PR industry led to their decision to create Talker Tailor and how they have poured their learnings and experiences (good and bad) into the operation.

    Steve shares his views on diversity in Public Relations and why its essential to build freedom into a team.

    He also speaks candidly about where Talker Tailor is at now and why he and Gary aim to take the agency in the future.

    If you’re looking for an insight into modern PR, want to hear some very real language and a have good laugh, listen now!